Warning: Don't even think of spending out of pocket on assisted living or nursing care until you read this

There's nothing worse than losing your family's financial security in the autumn of life because of long term care costs. You just helplessly watch as your life savings and your retirement accounts are drained month after month as your costs of care go up and up. You realize that you will soon have nothing to fall back on, no security. You think about how you will not be able to leave anything for your kids.

You start thinking, “But legal planning is expensive, and I don't like attorneys.”

Of course, you could always come up with your own plan to navigate the complicated and punitive Medicaid regulations...

... if you've got lots of legal knowledge or plenty of time to read several books on Medicaid, VA Planning and Elder Planning.

Daniel J. Krause

Why I Help People with Asset Protection

My grandparents worked hard all their lives and never spent much money. I saw how easily everything could be lost. Even as an attorney, I was unsure how to help them preserve their money in their twilight years. Since my grandparents passed, I set about learning the mysteries of elder law and specifically the Medicaid laws and regulations.

I have read books, articles and attended many days of training and seminars, and have handled many cases to become one of the few attorneys who practice Elder Law /Medicaid /VA Pension Planning. It is a highly regulated and complex area of the law, with many potential pitfalls.

In the last 10 years, I have helped many families in getting their nursing or assisted living paid for through Medicaid while legally keeping their assets in the family. It is what I would do for my own family, so it is what I am happy to do for my clients.

With the Krause Medicaid Process, You'll Get:

Peace of mind knowing you are doing financially what you can for yourself and family

A comprehensive evaluation of your assets and a customized spreadsheet for purposes of planning

A relationship with professional Estate Planning team that you and your family can rely on throughout the years

Leveraging government programs to maximize the assets available for the care of you andyour loved ones

Access to a dedicated team of subject-matter experts

A specific plan with a professional guide to see it is executed

Financial security allowing dignity as you age

I guess you could say that The Krause Medicaid Process is like having a steadfast family friend who helps you do what is best for your family... Minus having them rummage through your fridge whenever they come over!

But don't just take my word for it.
Read what our clients have to say:

Amy says the money we helped her mother save (instead of paying for nursing care) helped save her brother's life by allowing him to retire from his workplace that was making him sick.

Personable, professional and thorough. Dan and his amazingly detailed staff made what I had expected would be a tedious and arduous task very pleasant. I would highly recommend this firm to anyone who is looking to get their estate planning affairs in order.


In late 2019 my wife entered an assisted living facility due to dementia. I was paying the entire fee for this service and it was very expensive. My financial advisor suggested I should engage with a lawyer to protect our assets... Dan (Krause) outlined a process that he has had extensive experience with wherein our assets would be protected.... In less than 6 months I will save all of the fee I paid Dan in the saving from having my spouse be on Medicaid. I strongly recommend Dan Krause.


Medicaid Asset Preservation Offer

By now, you're probably wondering how much The Krause Medicaid Process costs. Before I answer that, let me ask you a question. How much would you spend to...

Keep from losing all of your assets while receiving assisted living or nursing care?

Be guided through the asset protection and Medicaid application process by caring professionals?

Have a friend in the legal community that your family can rely on?

Get all of these services from a firm owned by an Army JAG veteran?

The Krause Medicaid Process gives you all that and more.

If you had to pay out of pocket for your care, you could expect to spend $600,000 or more. I'm making The Krause Medicaid Process available for a fraction of that. It costs just about what you would pay for two months of nursing care.

But that's not all. Act today, and I'll also include:

Comprehensive Estate Plan

For every person or married couple who takes advantage of this offer in the next 30 days, we will include a comprehensive estate plan for them.

Last Will and Testament, Power of Attorney for Finance, Health Care Power of Attorney, Living Will, and ancillary documents designed for you and customized for your family’s needs.

Because we want to give people the same advantages we would give our family members, I'm offering it at a value price we cannot disclose in this format. However, there are only a limited number of cases we can take each month because of the work involved and the difficulty of finding attorneys skilled in this area of the law. You're going to want to contact us now so you can save you and your family the maximum amount possible... set a consultation today to see how we can help protect your security NOW!

Contact Us Today →


Dan Krause, Author and Attorney
Founder of Krause Estate Planning & Elder Law Center, a Friendly Law Firm LLC organization

** Remember, the earlier you act, the more you are likely to preserve. Each month of delay can be another $12,000 wasted. Even if you have been in a nursing facility for months or years, you still may be able to save most of what you have left. **